Brett Heisler, PGA

Goal: $2,000
2024 Birdie Total: 23 Birdies
Brett is currently the Head Golf Professional at Olympic Hills Golf Club in Eden Prairie, but grew up in Appleton, Wisconsin. He graduated from The University of Wisconsin - Madison. His passion for golf has lead him to jobs throughout Wisconsin, La Quinta-California, Hilton Head-South Carolina, Chicago, and now Minnesota. He now lives in Chanhassen with my wonderful wife, Diane and two girls, Nora(8) & Chelsea(5).
Brett is looking to expand awareness of the multiple benefits that golf can provide to families in need. He's never played this much golf in one day and is excited to play along side other professionals and military veterans.
Please support Brett and help reach the 100 Holes for Hope fundraising goal of $50,000. Your donation benefits PGA of America REACH Foundation Minnesota and its military program, PGA HOPE. Choose to make a financial pledge for every birdie made over 100-holes on July 26 or make a flat, one-time donation.